Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What is time exactly?

According to Google, time is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them. It is often referred to as the fourth dimension, along with the three spatial dimensions.

I think time has many definitions. First of it is, chance. God created time in order to give us chance if we ever fail at some point. Let's face it, we're humans. We all know the saying, yesterday is the past, and tomorrow is the new day.

Second, a record. God created time to record sequential events that takes place. Without time, we wouldn't know when Jesus stepped on this planet. Without time, we wouldn't know the date of our birthday. And without time, we wouldn't know the exact moment a precious event takes place.

For me, time is not something that heals. It is God that heals. Even without time, you can heal, if God wills it to.

Lastly, it lets us cherish it. Because we know that time is precious, we have this knowledge that wasting it is not a wise thing to do. We work because time runs. We live because time runs. Even if you want to die and stop the time, time still runs. That's how time functions. And that's how we are inseparable with time that God created.

Time also proves that we are finite beings, we can't do anything about it if we're inseparable to it. While, it also proves that God is an infinite being that is not bounded by time.

My cute little brother...✿

I just want to give my appreciation to my little brother--Jay! He's the cutest! And also the kindest! (:
He's already 13 years old. And I'm so grateful to God that He gave me a brother like this.

When I told my little bro that he should wake me up every 7 in the morning, he would always take the time to do so! He would also buy me foods whenever he goes to the grocery with mom. And when he forgets to buy me foods, he would say sorry. But I really don't care if he does and does not buy me foods. 

There was also this time when our uncle only gave him money. Instead of keeping all of it, he gave me and my other brother half of the money.

What I love about my brother is that he's not selfish. And he's affectionate. ^^

Tuesday, June 30, 2015



I do pretend to be cheerful. But sometimes, it's hard. It also makes me tired. I don't want to show anyone about me. I just like to be...alone.

Why? because sometimes it feels great to never put on a mask.

I'm seriously sad especially when I just realised that I don't have any true friends by my side.
Yes, i have a lot of friends.
But if i can count those real ones, there wouldn't be anyone.
And if they would know about my true self, I'm sure that they won't accept me.
I'm 100% sure.
Why? I can also see their reaction even if i didn't pretend.
I mean, really.
It's just so sad.
Sometimes, I feel like i don't need to talk to them everyday.
I don't want to talk. I really just wanna be alone.
But if God would give me one true friend, I would probably prefer being with them once in awhile.
I just feel so...left out.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Can you follow Jesus AND Be Gay?

So, while i was browsing 
I saw this post that intrigued me.

If you don't want to visit the article, i have its video right here (:

Scheduled plans destroyed...⚐

Didn't go to plan.

So i had to plans to study this sunday for my accounting quiz.
But then my aunt and uncle decided to leave their children in our house for a day.
They said that they were going to Samal island to look for the piece of land that they brought.
And so...
you know what happens.
They're veryyyyyyyyyyy noisy, especially my 2 year old cousin.

But i'm not saying that I don't like them to be here.
I was also happy that they'll be staying for a day, since they're my close cousins.
But you know, sometimes, you want to be alone and focused.

I hope i can study tomorrow.

Saturday, June 27, 2015



So i was watching cooking channels in youtube...
And found out about this chicken balls.
And I have this urge to taste it.
I want to learn how to cook this so bad.

Friday, June 26, 2015

A dream...☁

What I want to look forward to. 

So i had a dream about my dad.
But before that, I need to tell you that my father already passed away 2 years ago.

My dream was, my dad finally returned.
We were shock that he was there, and he said that he was out shopping (buying groceries).
And he was carrying a lot of supermarket bags.

And then he went to me, and gave me my favourite milk that he brought.
It was so many, and I was happy at both of things that occurred.
First, he returned. Second, he brought me foods.

It was really a memorable dream. I was happy that I didn't forget even when I woke up (and up to this day)